Poor 2.3 | Reviews (29)
Company: Sharestakes, LLC
Founded: 1999
Country: United States
Prizes: Cash
TOS: 18+ residents of Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States
Phone: 516-350-8358

RewardIt Exposed — Free Cash Prizes!

RewardIt Exposed

RewardIt Review

Are you looking for a free prize site to win cash? I’m not sure if this is the place. offers free games to win prizes ranging from $50 to $50,000, some cash for life, and instant games. There are some daily games including a $50 prize you might have to share with someone else. You might want to put the 31st of August into your calendar as it looks like most of the games don’t close until then.

What Is RewardIt? is a place to play for cash prizes for free. There are 15 draws daily, 20 instant draws, and a Pick 10 bonus game which you can play 50 times a day. All you have to do is register your email address and some personal data. The last time I did this, I ended up having my account swamped with spam emails. I think this is one of those times where the old adage “you don’t get anything for free” applies. It has all the earmarks of an email data mining site.

Must Read: Is TheLotter legit?

Who Can Participate?

If you’re a “legal resident” of Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, or the United States and 18 years or older, you can play RewardIt’s games. It’s funny in their terms and conditions, they underline that if you don’t reside in one of these countries you do not have “permission to use and/or access” their games.

What Are the Prizes Offered by RewardIt?

It appears there is a daily prize of $50. Players get multiple chances each day to enter each of the games. There is a heap of games to choose from. This includes games with prizes ranging from $100 up to $50,000. It also includes their $2,000 a week cash for life. It also says that if there is more than one winner, any prize is split.

Who Owns RewardIt?

Ah, there you have it. is owned by Sharestakes, LLC – a company registered in New York State. Anyone who has been looking for free prize sites might have tripped across one of their other sites – Winloot, UWinIt, and Prizeloot. Each of these offers different combinations of winning cash or other prizes. On their page, there is only an online form. In their terms and conditions, there is a snail mail address, several email addresses, and a phone number.

What Are the Terms & Conditions?

Each of the competitions has its own rules and regulations though they do seem to follow the same layout. The only difference is some list who can’t play versus who can. It looks like you can enter all the games several times a day. Opting out seems fairly straightforward by sending an email.

How to Collect a Prize?

Players are notified by email if they win within 30 days of the draw. If there is more than one winner, players share the prize. Once you’ve received an email, you have to forward back an Affidavit of Eligibility, Press Release, and pictures within 30 days. also says that when winners are notified that they have won, there may be three options on how you get your prize – Amazon Gift Card, Check, or by Paypal. You get to choose.

RewardIt Feedback and Complaints

Most of the complaints are about people who said they did not get their prize and won’t respond to their emails.

Why You Should Register with RewardIt


Lots of Prizes to Play For

Prizes are for Cash


Would you mind rating

Why You Shouldn’t Register with RewardIt


Limited to Certain Countries

Complaints about not Getting Prizes


Is RewardIt Legit?

There are not enough complaints to suggest this site is not legit, at the same time the similarities between this and their other sites Winloot, UWinIt, and Prizeloot made me rethink jumping on the bandwagon. The other thing is going in each day to play more games – who has that kind of time?

I’d give this one a pass. Though it’s free, it has all the look that players will end up with a heap of spam. There is also the time involved in going in each day to play. gets a thumbs down. It simply looks like some sort of advertising site to get your email address and possibly get you to review/look at stuff. I’m not going to touch it.

  1. Always breaking down! They do NOT fix the site! I complain to, No Avail.
    I’ll take this down when my Games work again.
    Constantly losing, Coins or Tokens!
    They do not replace anything, ever!
    They told me to, Contact the police! what a joke.
    I even had them on my, Twitter site. Twitter shut me down for 3 days until I removed them from my page…

  2. I love this website. They really have set the bar for other free affiliated sites that claim to do the same as they do. The only difference is Rewardit actually follows thru with running their site just as they advertise. Kudos to you guys.

  3. Had 6600 plus rebux, finished game was going to use them for tv. Not there, and this was not the first time. Wasted another 3 hrs!

  4. For years I’ve been playing same 4 app games and on each one I need 1penny to 5 cents to cash out $10.00 so frustrating, when I joined RewardIt I thought it would be another scam game but this month I won 4 times from $1,$5,$100, and $8, I hope I’m not jinxing myself for writing this but I’m never giving up, Loving this game.

  5. Love to play plus it’s free don’t sell u anything or ask or personal info. over they respond to our emails in a timely manner Wich is fast from my experience no later than 15 min except for weekends give it a try it pays I just can’t figure out last step I love reward it


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