Lottery Destroyer

Lottery Destroyer

Bad 1.5 | Reviews (37)
Price: $39.99 Monthly
Trial: $4.95 for 5-Day Trial
Guarantee: 60 Days
Description: Lottery Destroyer claims that it can win any lottery in the world. It was developed by Mike Benet, who says he can increase the chances of winning the lottery by using his methods.

Lottery Destroyer Exposed — Destroy Your Odds for a Cup of Starbucks Coffee!

Lottery Destroyer

Lottery Destroyer Review

You don’t have a job? Play the lottery. Want to be rich? Play the lottery. Want to earn fame and popularity? Play the lottery! Playing the lottery has become such a popular norm in today’s generation that more and more people decide to yank out their precious dollar bills for lottery tickets. Why so, you say? Lottery lovers love the idea of hanging on to their dreams while they pick up papers probably worth a fortune. Now some time ago, the world of lottery received a programmed messiah, a promise to let you taste the jackpot if you offer it the aromatic taste of a Starbucks coffee. Yeah, I know it’s sarcasm, and it’s weird, but hey, who doesn’t like Starbucks coffee?

However, let me warn you, nothing and no one can control luck. Without getting too religious here, in a nutshell, all systems out there are not worth it. Although I would have received a big fat check for promoting lotto systems, I’m not going to do it! So be prepared for some honest reviews because I’m not going to let you waste your money on a system that’s not going to help you in any way!

The Lottery Destroyer Software – Hype or Real?

Okay, so what is this all about? This is about the lottery destroyer software created by Mike Bennett, a streetwise computer geek who studied the algorithms of lottery numbers for 8 long years! For that duration, he looked at all past drawn numbers, popular and unpopular numbers. He developed the lottery destroyer software based on his experience with the odds and probability of lottery numbers! Okay, so what’s so unique about the program, you ask? Apart from the fact that it costs $39.99 per month, for any lottery game, and it is accessible 365 days a week, nothing. Wait, I didn’t say that, but I know who did! Take a look at one of the reviews below;
Lottery Destroyer review

LottoExposed alert

To protect you from the scam lottery software, we have reviewed many lotto tools.

Visit Lottery Software Reviews by Lotto Exposed before making any decision.

Honest Opinion Because Honesty Is Policy!

After stumbling on that review, we decided to take a better look; after all, everyone (thing) deserves a second chance! We checked with people using the lottery destroyer, and a majority said that they were better without it and that it rarely helps in winning anything, let alone the jackpot. Wait, what was that? Yep, you invest $39.99 in lottery destroyer software that’s going to crunch out numbers that won’t even help you reimburse your lottery tickets! But there’s always something good in everything bad. The only good reviews for the lottery destroyer software come from its affiliates and why not, they want their commission. This makes it clear that all the good reviews are hogwash because they are by affiliates and not real people using them. Here’s what another user had to say:

Lottery Destroyer Forum Review

Did you know that in 2013’s best-winning lottery systems, the lottery destroyer software system was not even voted to be entered in the official poll results? This apparently means that real people who play the lottery didn’t even consider it worth enough to buy or evaluate. But there were others who asked whether:


That pretty much sums it up. The bottom line is that this lottery software makes money by setting up affiliates (to good mouth the product, whether they have personally used it or not) and by collectively selling you junk that promises you the world, but you end up getting nothing. The question is how do they manage to make products like this? Well, excellent marketing and careful wording may be the reason why this lottery software gained some popularity.

Why You Should Register with Lotto Destroyer


There’s no special advantage that comes with this tool

Why You Shouldn’t Register with Lotto Destroyer


According to the reviews, it doesn’t guarantee wins

Would you mind rating Lottery Destroyer?

Is Lottery Destroyer Legit?

Absolutely nothing and no one can ever tell you which number you should pick; based on your horoscope, astrology, numerology, sun signs, moon signs and feet size, or the number of hairs you have on your head, and so on. Nobody can do that, and that’s that. All this software does is put you in a position where you feel that you ride your luck. So in my opinion, the lottery destroyer software is more hype and nonsense and less practical and authentic. It combines the popular and unpopular numbers with your favorite or lucky numbers, blindfolds you, and asks you to aim at the jackpot! It doesn’t make sense, and it won’t increase your chances of winning so get over it. Don’t even think of wasting your $5 on a 5-day trial!

  1. I won 12 times out of 20 tries, and I am very happy with the program.

  2. You know what, I used this system and I seriously just won my first $6! I knew it would work! That’s only the first one, I’m moving up from here, I’ll let everyone know how rich I am by the end of the week! I know $6 isn’t much, but he even said you won’t always win, but I did win this! On my first try!

    • Interestingly – When most reviews are of discuss and yours is 1 out of 100 with PRAISE… It sounds more like a $6k payoff than a lottery win… Hmm, but to each is his own…

  3. I have been working the system on the Pick 4 almost 2 months. I have put money in the game for 12 days with no win. Following the number combination this entire time also no winning number combination picked. The whole thing is a scam.

  4. Anyone who believes that there is a “sure system for winning the lottery” is a fool.. Hey, would you like to buy the Brooklyn Bridge?

  5. I almost bought into this scam, but lucky for me 2 things kept me from being impulsive when I first watched the video presentation;

    1) At the time I watched the presentation, I did not have what I thought would be the one time fee and 2) My intuition was reminding me of the old saying, “If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.”

    After sitting on it for a short time, I did a Google search. Thank God I did. I learned that not only is the fee asked for in the video NOT a one time fee, as they would have you believe, but the software is faulty and doesn’t do what it claims.

    I want to say a huge thank you to Florin for taking the time to expose lotto destroyer for what it truly is and to the other unfortunate people who wasted their time and hard earned money on the scam I will say this, I sincerely hope you have been able to recover the money Mike and his band of thieves scammed you out of and also thank you for leaving feedback so that people like me don’t fall into the same trap.

    I would rate lotto destroyer with zero stars, however that isn’t an option.

    • I did not buy it because one thing and the video bothered me. When he said store owners were mad at him for winning. That does not make sense because it’s not their money, if anything, it would improve people going to their gas station or store just to win. And I think they get a piece of that profit too for being the winning store. Then I googled and found this article which help me confirm my suspicions.


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