Mega Syndicate Exposed — Aussie Saturday Lotto Syndicate

Mega Syndicate Review
According to, the advantage of playing their syndicate is an incredible increase in chances of winning. Everyone agrees syndicates are a great way to increase a player’s odds of winning. The important thing is how many tickets are shared by how many people. So, let’s take a look at how good is.
Games at
Mega Syndicate uses a random number strategy to purchase their ‘system’ tickets to buy tickets in the Australian Saturday Lotto. A system 20 ticket will have every possible combination of 20 numbers selected from the total 45 numbers available. The number of lottery tickets in your syndicate will depend on how many people/shares are participating. Mega Syndicate provides the example of “if there were 100 entries in the syndicate Mega Syndicate would purchase 1 x System 12 ticket, 2 x System 10 tickets and 1 x System ticket. Whereas if there were 2,825 entries in the syndicate Mega Syndicate would purchase 1 x System 20 ticket.” You don’t find out how many people are participating and a number of lottery tickets are included until the cut-off of 1:00 pm New South Wales time, Australia. Advance Thinking (the company that runs this) gets to decide which combination will include how many tickets for any syndicate or syndicates. It costs $10 to buy a share for this syndicate(s). One Aussie dollar goes to the administration.
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Hang on a Sec
Advance Thinking says if there are between 2,825 to 3,189 entries (participants), they still go with the System 20 ticket numbers. But any money that remains in the Kitty once tickets for that syndicate are purchased is donated to a charity. For 3,190 – 5,650 entries, the first 2,825 will go into syndicate group 1, and the rest will go into syndicate 2. This continues up to three groups. But if the number of entries does not add up to 2,825, then the next group might be based on a number of tickets less than their System 20.
Options on Playing
Players can get on the bandwagon for a single-week entry or multiple-week entry. Discounts apply for multiple entries starting at 12 weeks.
Getting Your Winnings will credit any winnings within 24 hours of receiving the money from the official lottery provider. This would usually take around 48 hours though it could take longer for the jackpot. The player’s share will be deposited straight to their account less a 2% fee for jackpots. Australian lotteries are tax-free.
Saturday Lotto – Australia
The Saturday lotto game is operated by Tatts Lotto with players choosing 6 numbers between 1 and 45. Player. The lottery draws 6 main winning numbers and two extra/bonus balls that are used in prize tiers 2, 5, and 6. The Saturday Lotto has a minimum jackpot of 4 million Aussie dollars (roughly USD 2.7 million).
Playing at
Everyone is welcome to play here as long as you are 18 years or older, and it’s legal to play from where you are living. Mega Syndicate staff are not allowed to play. Mega Syndicate has a snail mail address in Victoria, Australia, an email address, and an online form. There are no phone numbers or live chat.
Why You Should Register with Mega Syndicate
Syndicate with a System
Easy to Decide What to Play
Why You Shouldn’t Register with Mega Syndicate
How Many Tickets in Our Syndicate?
Played only Once a Week
Admin Fees and Commission on Jackpots
Is Mega Syndicate Legit?
No question that playing syndicates increases your odds of winning something. Whether the system that uses is good, is debatable. Even in their 20 System Syndicate, there are still 25 numbers out there that will not be included. There is also the issue of shares. If the current lottery is 4 million, less 2% to Mega Syndicate, divided by 2,850 people, that leaves a win of AUD 1,387.61 or USD 940.18. Okay, it’s a win – but usually, I’m playing lotteries for more.
This site gets a thumbs up though I think the people that win the best are the operators. If you’re interested in playing a syndicate for the Australian Saturday Lotto, this does seem to give you the best odds to win something. Just don’t look for any of those mega jackpots.