LuckyLotto Exposed — Luck Might Not Be the Big Play Here

LuckyLotto Review
Rule number one in playing lotteries through an online provider is making sure you can get in touch with them. Checking out (not to be confused with, that was the first alarm bell that went off. The second alarm bell was how much this site looked like so many others. Okay, we did have a chuckle on the hours that support is available.
Games at
LuckyLotto offers eleven international lotteries, including the usual mega jackpots. Players can choose their own numbers or use the Quick Pick button. Click on continue and you’ll find out the minimum purchase is 2 lines, though you do get a free share in a Mega Millions group play. Players can choose multiple draws to play with discounts of 2 draws/2%, 4/4%, 8/15%, 26/22%, and 52 weeks/25%.
LuckyLotto’s Group/Syndicate Play
Players can choose to jump into group play for all eleven lotteries. Each group has 50 ticket lines for 150 shares. Sorry folks, that’s a pretty lousy ratio. There is also no information on how they choose the tickets though they do say you can a scanned copy or it’s posted to your account. Discounts do apply for multi-draws of 26 weeks/15% and 52 weeks/20% though no discounts for subscriptions.
What’s the Lotto-Matic Feature
Besides the fact the site has an error of posting the same paragraph twice (messy, messy, messy), they say within this for all lotteries that “if you happen to win the SuperEnalotto Jackpot or any supplementary prize, you will be informed via email”. Guess someone didn’t proofread the site before posting. Add to that, this is simply a quick pick feature.
Getting Your Money says they will collect your winnings for you though in some cases you might have to do it – less any handling charges and fees. But there is no information on what these handling charges and fees are. We tried to ask them, but – yes the big but – their email address failed.
Talking to Lucky Lotto
Of course, that got the team on to find out how to get in touch with these folks. I mean a working email address is pretty basic. That was strike one. Strike two – we tried to call their phone number and there is a lovely message that it is not in operation, but if you’d like to purchase this number you can contact the telecom’s sales department at their email address. There is a snail mail address, but there are approximately 1,446 other companies that use the same address. Oh – and the best part! On their support page they say their working hours are “Monday to Friday, 0 AM to 0 PM, GMT”. Guess these folks admit they are never there.
And Now for Something Different – NOT has the usual Frequent Player Points VIP system, with the usual Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels. You’d think someone would get creative here. The more you spend, the higher the level which of course means the harder it is to get higher. Okay – and the fact that I certainly do not want to know the sum total of what I’ve spent at this site.
The Bottom Line at
The simple fact that we can’t contact these people is enough to say GO PLAY SOMEWHERE ELSE. It really is rule number one for playing lotteries with an online provider.
Read the Article Again
No Working Telephone Number
Email Failed
When is Support Available?
Handling Charges & Fees?
Forget it folks. gets a thumbs down. There are a lot of great online providers out there where you can actually confirm they exist.
Uto Lange
No working contact details is enough for me to say no way. I’m certainly not going to put in my credit card details (never mind my personal details) at a site where I can’t get in touch with someone if I have a problem. Plus, guess these guys don’t read reviews about themselves. The contact hours are still the same.