Lottoonlineservice Exposed — More Questions than Information

Lottoonlineservice Review
In the scheme of online lottery playing and purchasing, is small potatoes. It provides a service to purchase online tickets for only two of Florida’s games – Powerball and Florida Lottery. It’s available in two languages, English and German. Their copyright dates back to 1999 which really does call into question – what are these guys doing? They say the world’s most massive jackpots are not available here but I only see two. In relation to comments in their rules and FAQS, where are they? Heck, who are they?
Is TheLotter legit and worth it?
Who is Lottoonlineservice?
After reviewing their website and conducting some research, we can only say they are owned by a company called Izaco Inc. and implemented by This can’t be found on their actual site. There is no indication of where they are located, what jurisdiction applies to their rules and regulations, how to contact them other than by email and whether they exist on anything but the website.’s Site
I don’t think that it took more than one hour for the web designer to create this atrocity that they call a website. is clean and dull and lacks any sort of promotion or attention-getter to make a player excited about arriving here. Part of the problem is also the lack of information available.
How Does Lotto Online Service Work
It’s the usual register for an account, load money to your account and start to play. Each ticket line costs $1 plus a $1 service charge per ticket. There is a $10 minimum charge per transaction which means players either purchase five ticket lines OR 5 single ticket lines for five draws. Players pick six numbers between 1 and 53. Prizes are awarded on three numbers upwards with the jackpot going to guessing the full six.
So Why Do it –
You will not find there SuperLotto Plus or other US lotteries tickets. is very clear that it is simply a service to purchase tickets for Powerball and Florida Lottery. It does nothing more and nothing less. Considering the number of retirees residing in Florida, this makes sense. It has a very high population of the older population who may or may not find it easy to get down to the corner store. There is also the ability to purchase tickets longer term – I mean someone could forget to go buy a ticket!
Complaints about
One would expect a company that has been around for so long to have some kind of reviews published online then again, given they only service two lotteries maybe this is not such a surprise. We didn’t find anything! Nothing good and nothing bad!
Why You Should Register with Lotto Online Service
Clearly Only Two Lotteries
US Citizens Can Play
Ability to Buy Multiple Draws – in case you forget
Why You Shouldn’t Register with Lotto Online Service
Clearly Only Two Lotteries
Only for Americans (so why the German?)
More Questions than Information
Is Lotto Online Service Legit?
If a player only wants to play Florida Lottery or Powerball and doesn’t want to leave the comfort of their home, then works. Compared to some of the lotteries available both nationally and internationally, this is small-time stuff.
This site gets a thumbs down. There is so much information and no way to contact these folks unless it’s after registration which could be too late. It is important to note that there are a lot of other sites that offer so many more options.
Dave R.
Hey, Nick,
I’m a 70+ shut in so I thought I’d play some lotto for kicks. I tried using to start, I figured a buck a line ain’t bad.
I won a few (very few) dollars which the site promptly added to my ‘bank’.
I belatedly started checking to see if this is legit. That’s how I found your site.
It appears that you provide a valuable service. What’s in it for you? Just wondering.