Lottery Code Breaker Exposed – Before You Take Action, You Have to Read This and Then Decide!

Lottery Code Breaker By Angela Lester – What It’s All About
Okay, what exactly does she mean by “a chain reaction that keeps right on giving”? And what’s with that creepy face?! Anyway, getting down to the details, on her website you’ll see the following in big, bold letters,
“Only If You Want To Start Winning You Will Want To Take Action Now: People All Over The US & CANADA Are Winning Pick 3 and Pick 4 Lottery Games Using Lottery Code Breaker By Angela Lester As Their Guide! –Your $1 May Already Be Worth… $5,000–“
Okay, let me ask this Angela a question and I’m hoping that she will reply, someday. “Just how many people are you talking about who have won using your system? And how many have they won?” she probably won’t be able to give me a response, the best I can expect is – “many” –, but that’s not what people want to know. We want details, precise details and you, as a lottery software developer, should have those details, but do you mention them on your site? No. They never mention the right things, anyway.
Is It Worth It? The Truth behind the Lottery Code Breaker
It’s not worth it, but let me explain. First she talks about being a consultant in a company and then she was fired and then she spent 1 year being unemployed and suddenly she started breaking the lottery code. Yeah, right. Taking it for granted even if it’s not remotely possible, she talks about writing her book called the Lottery Code Breaker by Angela Lester, and it’s there on Amazon too, by the way, selling for $17.98. That’s another point I’ll come to shortly, but keep in mind the price.
When she was unemployed, she started breaking the lottery code and made money almost every week. She supposedly matched so many numbers so frequently that everyone was amazed at her skill *roll’s eyes* and that’s when she decided to ‘give back’ to the lottery community – by writing her secrets in the book. What she didn’t realize is that the price she quoted is enough to make her rich overnight. Here’s what she said,
“I told myself if I could figure out a pattern for how these number sequences played as well as when they may play again–I can win. And, to my surprise, I did! I did it! I was winning once a week, a couple of times a week, and even winning both the Midday and Evening on the same day!”
The Lottery Code Breaker Book on Amazon
You might think that she would have given a path to so many millionaires right? Wrong. This book was published in 2013 and she was sacked in 2009. It took her 4 years to write a theory that we get everywhere else for free. She claimed that she published the book in 2010 and stated,
“Then I found a self-publishing website online and wrote my first book “Lottery Code Breaker”. The book was published through in the last week of May, 2010.”
But surprisingly, both Amazon and Lulu state that the book was indeed published in 2013, not 2010. Case of hysteria?
Forget the publishing date, there may have been some error, that obviously I can’t ignore, but let’s take a look at some sharp reviews. Here’s what Andy on Amazon wrote,
“To be honest, the status of repeated number sequences is the common thing in all lotto games.”
It’s true, I’ve read the book too, and I completely agree with the frustrated user. It’s obvious that if you’ve bought an expensive book and you need some clarification, you will contact the author, won’t you? Andy did too and here’s what Angela said,
“I don’t have the time or the energy to rewrite, to your satisfaction…”
Like what the heck was that?!
Then there’s another user by the name of happygirl, who was also pissed at her purchase and she said,
“The book was really short and was not worth the $20 bucks, so I am glad that I only got it for $10 from another individual. Can I say that this book was helpful? No! Again, all it did was brought major confusion, to cause me to look for a needle in the haystack. Who has time to find three numbers for the whole month to follow?”
To which Angela replied,
“You do have to be timely watching and studying your State’s past winning numbers charts to catch similar patterns throughout the month. If you don’t have the time or make the time to follow the patterns to a win, then, you are right, this method is not for you.”
Nice work Angela, you definitely encouraged her.
Lottery Code Breaker Scam
Okay, I hate being so brutally honest, but this is a scam. She says luck has nothing to do with winning the lottery, REALLY? Like For REAL? Then why aren’t you headlining everywhere with how rich you have become by using the method? Why aren’t there any real people claiming that they’re literally grabbed a fortune? And in the sanest world possible, would anyone give away a secret of becoming rich EVERY WEEK? Nope. Nope. You, madam, are a scammer. I know when you read this, you will probably come looking for me, but I’ll tell you this. You come looking for me only when you have ‘real’ proof.
Then she also has a membership site! One she charges $5 per month / $60 per year. Who wouldn’t that make rich now? The VIP Silver is at $14.95 a month! Are you kidding me? Honestly speaking, the website gave me a headache. It’s like a verbal sermon where you have to listen no matter how bored you are and lucky me, I just clicked the ‘close’ button. Let me be upfront. NOTHING and NOONE can help you win the lottery. If anyone says that they know the secret, tell them to fish off. It doesn’t work like that, whether you like it or not. Save your money and go buy a beer instead. This is Ethans, over and out!
Isaiah in Ga.
Angela Lester genius I keep charts of the daily 3 and 4 if you can read the charts, you can hit daily 3 every day. the money is there those charts will show the next day daily 3 the doubles can be a little tricky.
only play the daily 3$$$$$.
Thanks, Angela
Here I am again in defense of miss Lester system this is simple the keep charts of the daily 3-4.
and follow the number that came out the day before.
for instance in Ga.
1 April
2 April
3 April
4 April
mid day
Just follow the day before use both charts to find the next days money$$$$
I LOVE Angela Lester’s method. I feel like some people are looking for a quick fix and are not willing to put in the time it takes to learn number patterns in their state before playing. To those who are unfamiliar with tracking past winning lottery numbers in order to reveal the present/next day lottery numbers Angela’s method can be very confusing and frustrating. She didn’t offer some bullsh!t get rich fast method but instead she offered to help us see how patterns fall throughout the month ONLY if you were willing to put in the work. Only overly eager, desperate and those who have that microwave mentality would find fault with her message. Why is she on this “Exposed” website anyway?! the only thing she ever did was expose the lottery.
I have had great success using her methods, hers was the best.
you can win more often in the long run, but the cost per day is $5 to $10 dollars, you would need to spend around $30 per week to win. and most people don’t have a budget for that.
The minute you wrote “And what’s with that creepy face?!”
Automatically DISQUALIFIED you as a legitimate lottery investigator.
Taking cheap shots at the author’s appearance? Not a good look..
If you expect anyone to take you seriously you need to keep it professional, keep it business and most of all keep it real.
The so called research into this poorly written review did not seem to go beyond Angela’s website sales page and Amazon!
I am one of her customers (Nikki) and I have won small Pick4 prizes using Angel’s system. Am I rich? Of course not!! And that’s not what was promised to me or any other customer who purchased Lottery Code Breaker.
Her system helps open your eyes to patterns and trends that are within the game.You are like many other system buyers,,when YOU don’t understand or are not winning instantly you deem it a scam.
The only scam here is this article being passed on as an in depth article about a lottery book,.
Hello Nikki,
Wow okay thank you for taking the time out to read my review 🙂 About the creepy face, well, I was referring to the way it looks rather than what it was supposed to be, you know a normal photo? Especially since you’re into business? Why in the world would I have a sketch of my face when I’m doing business? Now that I’m sure you’ll agree is NOT professional 🙂 That’s just how I see it.
Also, I’m not sure if you realized that your comment sounds like you’re totally pissed – it’s as if this article was about you instead! well, unless you’re Angela being Nikki then I can’t blame you. The point is, if you’re pissed of the review, I’m definitely right about it. I’m sure you’ll agree that if you haven’t done anything wrong, there’s no reason to yell, right? And you are yelling, which means, I’m right!
No reason to play cat and mouse and I’m deeply sorry if my honest review hurt your heart, but tell me something Nikki and be honest like I was – if you had one goose that laid golden eggs, would you share that goose with others? A lot of ‘normal’ people wouldn’t. I’m sure you wouldn’t too. So let’s think practically. It’s all too easy to scam people and juice some money out, but when a terminator comes in, you should be ready for the consequences!
Finally, I do thank you for your comments, you truly keep yourself up-to-date with what’s going on in the online world, which is something a lot of people don’t do these days. Now that you responded, I really do hope Angela responds, but here’s the challenge – she needs real proof!