GlobalLottos Exposed — Why Not to Play International Lotteries Here

GlobalLottos Review
Looking at the online lottery provider site GlobalLottos, it all seemed clean and straightforward. They offer nine international lotteries and access to one syndicate. There are contact details and terms and conditions. What else do you want to play foreign lotteries online confidently? Maybe contact details and terms and conditions that provide information. Looking at the syndicate information, I ended up with more questions than answers. Let me explain.
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Games at Global Lottos is an online lottery service for nine international lotteries including the usual US Powerball & Mega Millions, EuroMillions (no EuroJackpot), Canada’s Lotto 649 & Lotto Max, UK National Lottery, Irish Lotto, Spain’s El Gordo, and Japan’s Jumbo. Players can choose to play one ticket, or more for two draws up to 104 draws. There are no discounts for playing multiple draws. To open an account, players are required to provide a copy of their passport with a signature page, a copy of the credit card to make the deposit, a recent utility bill showing their name and address, and a signed purchase history of their online transactions.
Their Syndicate offers one syndicate through “TopsLottos”. It consists of 5 different lotteries held twice a week (EuroMillions, Irish Lotto, UK Lotto, US Powerball & Mega Millions). There is no information on how many tickets are involved for each of these. There is no information on how many shares are in the actual syndicate. It sounds like it only involves the jackpot of each of these games and what is strange is Global Lottos aka TopLottos say this draw takes place on Sunday at 17:00 PST. I think they might mean that any payout is confirmed and finalized on that day – then again, I could be wrong. & Winnings
All winnings (especially those mega jackpots) are collected as a lump sum versus installments less any handling charges, fees, and commissions – including any paid to them. There is no actual information on whether they take a commission and what fees might be involved. You do have the option to get your winnings yourself and/or they might require it. Getting your money out takes 7 to 14 business days to process and goes through the bank account or credit card that you used to deposit the funds. This is automatically processed by clicking on “Withdrawal request.” They also say, besides the documents you’ve already filed to open the account, they might need more.
Who Can Play at Global Lottos?
Besides the usual you must be 18 years or older, Global Lottos services are not available in Israel or “interstate activity” in the US or Canada. Not sure what that means though it probably has something to do with the prohibition of taking lottery tickets across provincial and state borders.
Talking to
Customer service is open from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm GMT, Monday to Friday through a telephone number in Malta or an email address. Global Lottos says they have a live chat (at the bottom of the page) and their team is there to help “24/7” – NOT. They do seem to answer their telephone outside of regular business hours. There is no live chat unless it’s something that comes with your account once you are registered. There are also toll-free numbers for Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Their head office is in Malta with a snail mail address. Oh, they do say you should review their FAQs first – the only problem is, there aren’t any!
The Bottom Line at Global Lottos
Saying you are available 24/7 and then not bothering even to answer an email is frustrating. Add to this the lack of information on potential fees and commissions that may or may not apply was enough for our team to not bother registering to see how this site worked. It wasn’t worth the time.
Why You Should Register with Global Lottos
Access to Nine International Lotteries
Why You Shouldn’t Register with Global Lottos
No Information on Commission and Fees
No Information on Shares and Number of Tickets in their Syndicate
Poor or Non-Existent Contact details
Is Global Lottos Legit? gets a thumb’s down – especially regarding their syndicate. Folks, there are a lot of really good, reliable online lottery providers that have the answers to your questions. Stick to those for playing lotteries and syndicates online.
Yunos Majeed
I was duped. Winnings withdrawn without winner’s knowledge. Does not reply via email. Online website changes password and does not allow punter to log on. No IT support. Lost lots. Money gone. Hope all in GL goes bankrupt for good and fall terminally sick
Roy Smoltz
My father who is 72 years old I came to realize had been playing with this company. At first, I was concerned and went to the local Barclays bank and my father agreed to some tickets in the Spanish lottery and he got the tickets and even won some money. They never did anything without his consent. I bet some people would assume that because they are calling you and asking you to play and asking you for your credit card details, that they are automatically bad, but I’ll tell you, I did some research and they are who they say they are!!!!
I was scammed into working for this shady company.
As the verification department (funny enough it just consisted of me)
I started realizing how they only preyed on the elderly and kept me in the dark on how the lottery even works. Not to mention its staff constantly drink on the job and at first I was pressured to drink as well because I wanted to keep my job (oblivious at first to how much of a scam this was) My name is Cynthia btw and I really apologize to anyone who got verified by me and might have been scammed.
Now that I know more I am taking action with workplace BC.
This will not go unrectified if I can help it!
All I can say is that if you ever receive a call from this company, hang up the phone. Do not do any business with them and certainly do not give them access to your credit card. I have lost a lot with them.
Cynthia, I would be interested to know where they are physically located in Vancouver so I can start some legal action………and I hope your Workplace action is successful.
Unscrupulous company – complete scam, praying on the elderly. They should be ashamed of themselves.
My experience of Global Lottos has led me to conclude that it is a thoroughly unscrupulous company whose operations need to be investigated by the police. I would strongly advise AGAINST anyone buying lottery tickets from these people. I would also urge those with elderly and/or vulnerable relatives to take steps to prevent them from being contacted by Global Lottos sales staff who could talk them into parting with their savings.
This is the company that is registered in Malta but whose telephone-sales operatives actually work from an office in Vancouver, Canada.
I discovered that my elderly father had been ‘cold-called’ by this company many times over a period of about three years before his death in 2019. The same person always called and built up a rapport with my father over that time. During these calls, the Global Lottos salesman often managed to persuade him to part with a few hundred Euros, sometimes more than 1,000 Euros. I have calculated that, by the time he died, my father had paid out around 14,000 Euros in total.
No contract, or terms and conditions on paper, were ever delivered in the post to my father. All he would receive from Global Lottos were very long lists of lottery numbers which he had allegedly been allocated, along with the draws that he had apparently been entered for. This information would be sent on Global Lottos letter-headed paper which was color-photocopier-printed on poor-quality paper using ink that was often beginning to blur. It looked unprofessional as if you or I could have printed the same sort of thing at home. It is impossible to know from the information provided by Global Lottos if the lottery numbers were even real and that my father had actually been entered into the draws.
My father’s (apparent) winnings were small and infrequent and, from reviewing his bank statements, it doesn’t appear that he ever received them. I think the Global Lottos salesman, whom my father regarded as something of a friend by this stage, persuaded him to re-invest them in new lottery tickets but, as usual, no written confirmation of this agreement having been made during the phone calls was ever delivered in the post from Global Lottos.
Nor did my father receive from Global Lottos the actual receipts from the individual lottery companies which would have been proof that his money had actually been spent on real lottery tickets. Hence I am left wondering if Global Lottos simply pocketed my father’s money and just pretended that it had been spent on lottery tickets.
Like many other elderly people, my father did not have access to the internet so he could not access reviews such as this one nor could he view any terms and conditions on the Global Lottos website, assuming that they even existed at the time. In short, he was a ‘sitting duck’ for a company such as this one. It is simply too easy to talk elderly people, whose decision-making is compromised either by illness or old age or isolation, into handing their credit card details to a persuasive and persistent salesman who calls up in the middle of a long afternoon every few weeks or so and who, in the nicest possible way, just won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
Even after my father had confided to the Global Lottos employee that he was becoming ill, the salesman continued to call and my father kept paying up. On one occasion when he rang and I happened to be in the house and answered the phone, he heard my voice and just hung up.
When I finally stepped in, rang the Global Lottos offices, and told the specific salesman to stop calling, he fobbed me off and, after an extended break of a few weeks, continued calling my father’s number anyway. Clearly, I was just an inconvenient obstacle to Global Lottos getting their money and to him getting his commission.
In my opinion, Global Lottos knew what they were doing all along the way. I think they targeted my elderly father and ‘groomed’ him with the objective of stripping him of a lot of money which they succeeded in doing. They should be thoroughly ashamed of what they did to my father in his dying days. I would guess that they don’t really care and are continuing to exploit many other elderly and vulnerable people. Perhaps part of the problem rests with the law not being sufficiently robust especially across national boundaries.
Please, therefore, take heed of these bad experiences and protect yourselves, and those close to you who may be vulnerable, from this company without a conscience. You have been warned!