Europeanlottery Exposed — The Place for Playing EuroMillions

Europeanlottery Review is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the different lottery sites that International Lottery Subscriptions (ILS) offers. ILS packages different lotteries under their site address. That means is the site for playing EuroMillions – and only EuroMillions. Want to know more? Let’s look.
The Game at
This is an online lottery service provider that offers one lottery – EuroMillions. Well, that is what we first thought. Click on “play now” and not only does the game boards for purchasing EuroMillions come up, but there is an add-on bit of info asking if you want to play US Mega Millions. This includes an update on what the mega jackpot is worth for the next draw. Remember to ‘unclick’ the little box if you are not interested! does not offer syndicates but do offer subscriptions (multiple draw purchases).
ILS and Winning says that 100% of any prize is all yours. They say that the charge per ticket includes all processing costs and fees for transferring your winnings and they will do this in any currency you choose. What makes me a little twitchy is the fact there is no mention of taxes. Okay – EuroMillions paid out in Ireland is tax-free, but what about tickets purchased in Spain? What about winning US Mega Millions where federal tax is applicable though state tax might not depend on where the ticket(s) were purchased.
Terms & Conditions
The terms and conditions at are pretty straight forward, and they don’t mess around with long, rambling dictionaries on what each of the terms legally means. The funny thing is, it is so straightforward I got the feeling I was missing something. ILS mirrors the terms and conditions on all their sites, including, and what appears to be their parent site – there are more, but we’ll stop here. What did drive me nuts on their multiple sites is the little “El Gordo” reminder that continually popped up! I already have my tickets – thank you!
Who is Europeanlottery?
This site is owned by International Lottery Subscriptions which is based in Dublin, Ireland. They have a snail mail address, online form, email address, and phone number. There is no answering machine on their phone number which isn’t professional. How hard is it to have a machine at the very least confirming who they are and when their office hours are. Their live chat when not online opens support message that is and not Maybe that’s the telephone message answer – with so many sites all linking back to this customer service number, which one would they say they are?
The Bottom Line
If you simply want to play EuroMillions, don’t forget to uncheck the little box that automatically also adds US Mega Millions. If you’re going to play Mega Millions, I would suggest going elsewhere or at the very least, ILS’s parent site where you can choose your tickets.
Simple T&C
No Fees/Commissions on Winning
Only One Lottery
Only Business Hours Customer Service
Taxes? doesn’t get a thumbs up or thumbs down. There is nothing that indicates it is suspicious, but – yes the but – why anyone would play on a single lottery site is beyond me.
Phil Cooper
I really don’t like anything that automatically ticks any kind of box. When I go to an online lottery provider, I want to make all my own decisions. Add to that – this is basically for one lottery – Euro Millions. Me, I want the choice to be able to play more – at a one stop shop. That’s two strikes for me. I’m not even bothering looking for the third strike. They are out!