elGordo.com Exposed — On the Web Since 1996!

elGordo.com Review
Have you got your tickets for El Gordo yet? That’s the big Christmas lottery in Spain, one of the most popular annual draws that occur internationally. If not, you might want to take a look at the elGordo.com online lottery provider site. It is an online lottery service provider though only for Spanish lotteries. If you’re looking for someone that offers other international games like US Powerball or Canada’s Lotto Max, you won’t get them here.
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Games at elGordo.com
This is a Spanish online lottery service provider for Spanish lotteries. ElGordo.com includes the National Lottery (Thursday, Saturday, and the December special), Sunday Lottery, Spanish 6/49, El Nino (January), Daily 6/49, Football Quiniela, and of course, El Gordo lottery (December). There is one local lottery – EuroMillions. Players register and then load their accounts. But – yes the big but – there is no information on which methods of payment they accept without actually creating an account.
elGordo and Winning
Anyone over the age of 18 can play at elGordo.com from any country. Prizes under €3,000 are transferred directly to the player’s account. Any winnings over €3,000 are transferred directly from the banking company related to the lottery and/or the player can go straight there to cash their prize. Ticket prices include their service charge, but not surcharges and commissions. Funny, we couldn’t find anywhere on their site what their commission percentage is, whether it is a flat amount or when they get it.
The Tax Man & El Gordo
It’s not just elGordo.com that you have to worry about taking some of your money. The tax man takes 20% of any prize over €2,500. There is no mention of this on elGordo.com’s site. Though most people in Spain probably are aware of this, the rest of the people in the 140 countries that they claim to play from might not be.
Who is elGordo.com?
This is a private company managed by TWL SPAIN registered in Spain. ElGordo.com say they have been in business since 1860 and available online since 1996. It isn’t linked or part of the public entity El Gordo or official state lotteries. TWL stands for ‘The World Lottery’ (that’s not a spelling mistake) versus some of the other acronyms that TWL also stands for. It provided a lot of amusement for our team scrolling by some of the different combinations. The Team Warfare League was a personal favorite.
Talking to elGordo.com
Getting in touch with elGordo.com is relatively simple. They provide a Spanish phone number, snail mail address, online form, and email address. That is one of the nice things about this online lottery service provider – for once, they aren’t registered in one country and operating in another. They are Spanish owned, operated with only Spanish lotteries offered.
Why You Should Register with elGordo
Straightforward Site
Spanish Owned & Operated
Anyone Can Play
Why You Shouldn’t Register with elGordo
How Much are Their Commissions
Tax Applicable
Only Spanish Lotteries
Is elGordo Legit?
El Gordo is one of the most popular lotteries internationally. It draws an incredible amount of attention. But – yes the big but – when playing lotteries through an online service provider, most people want the flexibility of playing a variety of games, and it’s hard to get past the fact that elGordo.com only offers Spanish lotteries.
Our team couldn’t agree on thumbs up or thumbs down. These folks look for real, and if you are into Spanish lotteries, then this could be a place to play. I would have an issue having to fly to Spain to pick up a €3,000 prize, especially as I know 20% comes off the top!
Matt Harvey
Charged 40 euros for x1 El Gordo 22nd December ticket, when the face value is only 20 euros. AVOID
Great to be able to play all kinds of games through this site
afonso daniel
I have been playing with on this site over 3 years now and comparing with other service provides they stand out in customer service, whenever you send email they replay on time a part of that other relative information are available within a touch of your fingers.
I play with Elgordo and the part about tax is incorrect. Find it in their FAQs section. Just to be sure, I dropped them a note when I read this review. Here’s the answer I got:
Thank you for contacting us. For prizes under 2.000 euros we do not need any special documents, we make a bank transfer to the bank account that you send us when you want to receive your money. For prizes over 2.000 euros we need a copy of your passport, and a signed document (we send it to you via internet and you must sign it and send it back via some courier). In this document you give us authorization to cash the prize in your name, and this way the spanish public treasure knows who has won each big prize. If prize is over 20.000 euros an Spanish bank account must be opened in you name (it takes only 3 days, we only have to check in the Spanish police with your passport copy that you are not Spanish resident). Or you can also come in person to visit us, we organize your travel, no cost at all, and we help you in all the steps to receive your prizes
No commission is charged to the prizes. (sic)
It’s real and nice. I used to play on this site and pay extra €10 for my tickets to be sent, and they do send it and I receive that beautiful ticket. But now they’ve removed the option of sending tickets. Overall, the site is good.