Aurl Exposed — What Is Going On?

Aurl Review
I’m confused. The team started surfing around another online lottery provider, and we can’t seem to figure out the deal. They only offer two lotteries – well, they are the big ones – but they close it off earlier than their T&C says. Listening to the Auto Real Lotto sales pitch at I had to chuckle. This is a video that says they will share “the secret of winning.” It looks like this is an online lottery provider that provides some software and ebook to give the players the secret of winning big jackpots. But, you get this free upon registering – what they say is a $50 value. So what gives?
Games at Aurl Website appears to offer access to players to two jackpots. There is no question that US Powerball and US Mega Millions are two of the most significant played around the world. They grow fast and usually pay out big. But – only two lotteries? The play closes five hours before any draw. Whoops – both draws showed they were closed 1 and 2 days before the draw. I just don’t get it. and Their New Ebook – Free
“Win the Lotto” is a book “written by their experts.” We don’t know who these experts are or what exactly the book shares, but when you register on’s site, you get a free copy. What is weird about this is their website quotes the fact that “When using AURL site – our expert advice will guide you and recommend you the best way of choosing your numbers. You will get advice such as “Pairs Matching,” “Odd – Even & High – Low” number strategies, “Group Numbers” and others.” The only problem is all of our team refused to go through the registration process to find out how it worked.
Winning at Aurl
It appears (using that word a lot) whether you as a player or as the online lottery provider collects your winnings, they take a 5 % commission. That is plus any fees on transferring the money. It took a bit to work through the terms and conditions, but it sounds like under USD 600 is put into your account immediately and available and anything over that could take up to 30 days.
Refer a Friend offers a reward system for referring a friend. Once your friend starts to play a five dollars is credited to your account. Do note that this is for future play and not cashable.
Who Can Play at
Now, this is a first. We’ve seen lottery providers who exclude US citizens and include only citizens of the country they are operating in. clarifies that citizens and residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, France, Singapore, Taiwan and the Republic of the Philippines cannot play here. Now that is one strange grouping. They also underline players who are a citizen of a country that prohibits gambling cannot play – and it doesn’t matter where they are at that time.
Who Is American Real Lotto?
I’m starting to think this is the million dollar question. The team did a lot of digging and could come up with no registration details, no location, no information on where or who these folks are. There is no snail mail address, no telephone numbers and no direct email address for There is an online form which requires both your email address and phone number. They are owned (we think) by American Real Lotto Ltd. at the same time they have two copyright designations on their site: © Copnbyrights American Real Lotto LTD. on their Terms & Conditions; and © Copyright 2012 Auto Real Lotto LTD. on their Home Page. We were popping through the different pages to see if this changed – and voilá – finally an email address. But – this has to do with your privacy and security. It was irresistible to send a combo of emails to different potential does it work addresses.
The Bottom Line at
We’re not giving this site a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Folks, it doesn’t happen often that the team gets stomped. We’re not sure what this site is up for and why they did it. But, we would suggest caution on proceeding with registration. If anyone has any info on this one, please let us know.
Jane Fitch
Sorry folks, I get very suspicious when an online provider advertises that they have got the secret on winning, plus offer a free book written “by their experts” with no info on who they are. Seriously! I also popped into their site and don’t like the posting of the Kentucky winner of Powerball back in 2010. Obviously, the person did not win through this site!